Yellow is the color of gold, ripe lemons, an ear of corn, and the sun. Yellow brightens each day. Yellow signifies someone who is spontaneous, intelligent, reasonable, chatty, and quick-witted. If yellow is your favorite color, then you have a happy disposition. You are cheerful and fun.
Yes, Donovan fans, yellow is even "the color of my true love's hair in the mornin' when we rise." But, beware for yellow is also the color of jealousy.
Global View console with yellow accents |
An orchid is always a nice complement to any design. In Renaissance Europe, orchids were used as the main ingredient in love potions.
Yellow Orchid |
As the seasons change, alternate your choice of color to suit your mood. For, even on a rainy day, colors will brighten the way.
Color on a rainy day |